

Build Your Program on the Success of Many

Featured Articles

MIH Paramedics limit their scope to Expand

MIH Paramedics limit their scope to Expand

To accomplish what would otherwise be impossible growth, paramedics took a counterintuitive approach of limiting their focus while working closely with law enforcement, healthcare providers, peer support specialists, and community health workers.

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Explore All of Our Resources

MIH Summit 24

MIH Summit 24

Join us at the Mobile Integrated Health & Community Paramedicine Clinical & Leadership Summit! March 20-22 in Nashville, TN HealthCall: Booth #9

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New Guide Available for Preventing Falls

New Guide Available for Preventing Falls

Teresa Poliseno and Dr. Karen Kirkham discuss the New Fall Prevention Guide and the critical role of fall prevention in geriatric medicine. Listen to the 15-minute podcast and order the free guide.

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Watch: New Task Manager Features

Watch: New Task Manager Features

Managing and tracking daily tasks can be a challenge for one person and more difficult when you are working as a team. Knowing which patients others have already contacted and who still needs help can take a lot of your valuable time…

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Are You Ready for Your Next MIH Visit?

Are You Ready for Your Next MIH Visit?

911 and Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) calls are different clinically, operationally, and administratively. Even your mindset needs to shift. So how do you best prepare? 20-year paramedic shares insights and tips for making your next MIH visit a success.

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Watch: Caring for Homeless Populations

Watch: Caring for Homeless Populations

Many of you see and help those who are experiencing homeless in your community on a routine basis. While it’s not easy to keep accurate documentation of people who are in this state, HealthCall is providing new tools to help identify and better care for these individuals within a comprehensive longitudinal record.

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Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare With Payers: Acadian Part Two

Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare With Payers: Acadian Part Two

While Safety Management Systems works with patient populations on the Gulf of Mexico, Acadian Health serves large, primarily urban patient populations where prevention is just as critical. This is why Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) has become central to Acadian Health’s approach in managing patients with chronic and urgent care needs.

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Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare 300 Miles Offshore

Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare 300 Miles Offshore

Acadian Ambulance, one of the top EMS services in the country, is a multi-faceted ambulatory care company with multiple public, private, and specialty partners. Acadian Ambulance’s sister companies include Acadian Health, which provides at-home healthcare for sick but stable patients, Safety Management Systems, which provides emergency response and medical services in remote and industrial settings.

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New software allows paramedics to provide more

New software allows paramedics to provide more

Christopher Menapace, BBA, OFE, OFC, EMT-P, EMS-I, CPRS, a paramedic and former fire chief who leads a new community paramedic program as the Mobile Integrated Health Captain. The program was launched by Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services to reduce repeat 9-1-1 calls and avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital emergency room, contribute to the overall quality of life for people by keeping them at the center of an individualized treatment plan, and help people stay at home as they manage their chronic health conditions.

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New Paramedic Program Helps Those with Mental Health Challenges

New Paramedic Program Helps Those with Mental Health Challenges

Barely halfway through 2022, Tanee Thomas-Tedford, NRP, CP-P, of Lexington County EMS, said her division expects that number to keep climbing. Lexington Medical Center Foundation was instrumental in facilitating a Duke Endowment grant in which Thomas-Tedford’s division was asked to get that number down. The initiative is called Uplift Lexington County, and is in partnership with Lexington County Department of Mental Health, Lexington Medical Center’s social services, and a nonprofit called Serve and Connect.

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Personalized Care for Mothers Overcoming Addiction

Personalized Care for Mothers Overcoming Addiction

When Rick D’Auria gets a phone call about a pregnant mother struggling with addiction, it begins a cascade of events and conversations his office needs to closely monitor to ensure this woman and her child receive all the resources they need from all the different departments in place to help.

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LTHC Homeless Services Implements Electronic Medical Record

LTHC Homeless Services Implements Electronic Medical Record

LTHC Homeless Services partnered with Indiana-based company HealthCall, LLC to develop a personalized electronic health record platform for on-site providers to track health services to those experiencing homelessness. The platform allows communication between healthcare professionals who are addressing the chronic and acute health problems experienced by many persons without housing.

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New Crisis Scheduling Breaks Addiction Cycle

New Crisis Scheduling Breaks Addiction Cycle

At first, launching a new technology-driven initiative during the early days of the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic might not have seemed like the right time. But hindsight proved timing is everything—and with the ongoing opioid crisis, there wasn’t another moment to lose.

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New Care Delivery Model Removes Barriers to Care, Avoids Hospitalizations

New Care Delivery Model Removes Barriers to Care, Avoids Hospitalizations

Not everyone who calls 911 may need to go to the hospital and that’s where Travis Baker, a paramedic practitioner working for Austin-Travis County EMS, comes in. Baker recently joined an EMS that serves over a large area: 2.2 million people in a region spanning 1,039 square miles. Here, providing more targeted, high-quality care at patients’ doorsteps and avoiding potentially expensive hospitalizations can have a significant effect on the community’s health care system, reducing costs and strains on resources.

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Better System, Better Data, Especially During a Crisis

Better System, Better Data, Especially During a Crisis

Galveston County Health District (GCHD) in Galveston, Texas, recently announced its partnership with HealthCall to more effectively monitor COVID-19 cases after the county struggled to produce accurate data to analyze trends related to the pandemic.

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Early Response to COVID Proved Critical for NYC EMS

Early Response to COVID Proved Critical for NYC EMS

From the beginning COVID-19 presented with countless unknowns, and Empress EMS, a PatientCare EMS Solutions company, which serves New Rochelle, New York, just 20 miles north of New York City, recognized the high risks its region faced. Instead of waiting for direction from federal or state authorities, Empress EMS sprung into action, and its quick thinking may have helped mitigate a worsening situation in what became the nation’s epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Expanding Community Paramedicine Throughout Tampa

Expanding Community Paramedicine Throughout Tampa

Almost two years ago the Crisis Center’s TransCare Medical Transportation division launched its pilot Community Paramedicine program made possible by a grant from Florida Blue. The goal for this pilot is to work with community members who frequently utilize hospital emergency rooms for basic healthcare, and connect them with a primary care physician, behavioral health care, or other medical resources better suited to their needs.

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Innovations in Pandemic Care

Innovations in Pandemic Care

A new e-book from EMS World and HealthCall profiles forward-thinking EMS systems that are leveraging the power of telehealth and community wellness programs to circumvent traditional 9-1-1 response pathways.

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City of Las Vegas Partners with HealthCall to Care for Homeless

City of Las Vegas Partners with HealthCall to Care for Homeless

New 500-bed Cashman ISO-Q facility opens in Las Vegas screening and caring for homeless with coronavirus
The City of Las Vegas has partnered with HealthCall and NurseCore to train staff and operate a 500-bed temporary hospital at Cashman Center; created to screen and care for homeless who may have coronavirus.

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First EMS Responders Begin New On Site COVID-19 Testing

First EMS Responders Begin New On Site COVID-19 Testing

FDA fast-tracked new blood and mucous diagnostics to more effectively identify who has COVID-19
Phoenix Paramedic Solutions will become among the first emergency responders in the country to deploy the recently-approved rapid-testing, onsite Coronavirus (COVID-19) blood or mucous diagnostic screen, which will be used in conjunction with the HealthCall COVID-19 Telehealth Screening and Monitoring application.

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Opioid Crisis, how Palm Beach is moving the dial

Opioid Crisis, how Palm Beach is moving the dial

West Palm Beach, Florida, like the rest of the nation, struggles with the ongoing opioid crisis, and the county’s largest fire department—Palm Beach County Fire Rescue—relies on HealthCall’s innovative software to track and mitigate these community challenges.

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An Appalachian Community Sees Huge Strides and Fewer ER Visits

An Appalachian Community Sees Huge Strides and Fewer ER Visits

Deep in the Appalachian Mountains is Ashe County, home to approximately 27,000 people where the poverty rate is at 19 percent and where many people struggle with life-threatening chronic conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. There are also many elderly people in the region who face the ongoing risks of falls and fractures.

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Reducing Falls and Calls via Better Collaboration

Reducing Falls and Calls via Better Collaboration

UPPER ARLINGTON, OH, Ohio passed legislation that expanded care beyond 911 calls, allowing community paramedics to be among the first responders who could visit patients in their homes to provide care outside of 911 calls. This enabled community paramedics to become part of a care team, alongside a patient’s physician or case manager.

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ROI Analysis- The Economics of Prevention

ROI Analysis- The Economics of Prevention

The cost of healthcare in the US continues to rise to unsustainable levels. Some of this growth is the result of new treatments and innovations, but much of the cost is due to inefficiency and a lack of proactive care. There is a continued emphasis within the healthcare system on preventing the acute onset of many common chronic conditions, including musculoskeletal conditions, heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.

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Patient-Centric Architecture Drives Better Care

Patient-Centric Architecture Drives Better Care

HealthCall’s cloud-based platform is specifically designed for providing care beyond the walls of the typical healthcare setting. This challenging and changing environment requires greater degrees of flexibility in documenting, collaboration.

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HealthCall Awarded 3-Year Contract by Ashe Memorial Hospital

HealthCall Awarded 3-Year Contract by Ashe Memorial Hospital

Ashe Memorial Hospital selects HealthCall as its new platform for coordinating and managing post-hospital care. Funded by a three-year Duke Endowment grant, this program will extend new models of care to populations with chronic disease and those who are most susceptible to unplanned hospitalizations.

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Palm Beach County Awards 3-Year Contract to HealthCall

Palm Beach County Awards 3-Year Contract to HealthCall

Palm Beach County Florida selects HealthCall for their highly acclaimed Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) program. Their program has been successfully alleviating the strain on the 911 emergency system by proactively meeting the needs of residents’ non-emergency medical needs.

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HealthCall Awarded 13-Hospital Community Paramedicine Project

HealthCall Awarded 13-Hospital Community Paramedicine Project

HealthCall was recently awarded the Nevada Rural Hospital Partners (NRHP) three-year Population Health Community Paramedicine project! “The HealthCall product and proposal … are far superior to the other solutions we evaluated…” NRHP is a consortium of the 13 Critical Access Hospitals across EMS providers in 7 counties in Nevada.

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Case Study: Dramatically Improving Outcomes and Reduced Costs

Case Study: Dramatically Improving Outcomes and Reduced Costs

Within the Community Health Network, Community Home Health monitors patients of physicians, heart failure clinics, diabetes care clinics, and their own home health populations. They also monitor hospital patients after discharge to help ensure their successful transition back into their homes—and to reduce 30-day readmission rates.

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Explore All of Our Resources

MIH Summit 24

MIH Summit 24

Join us at the Mobile Integrated Health & Community Paramedicine Clinical & Leadership Summit! March 20-22 in Nashville, TN HealthCall: Booth #9

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New Guide Available for Preventing Falls

New Guide Available for Preventing Falls

Teresa Poliseno and Dr. Karen Kirkham discuss the New Fall Prevention Guide and the critical role of fall prevention in geriatric medicine. Listen to the 15-minute podcast and order the free guide.

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Watch: New Task Manager Features

Watch: New Task Manager Features

Managing and tracking daily tasks can be a challenge for one person and more difficult when you are working as a team. Knowing which patients others have already contacted and who still needs help can take a lot of your valuable time…

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Are You Ready for Your Next MIH Visit?

Are You Ready for Your Next MIH Visit?

911 and Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) calls are different clinically, operationally, and administratively. Even your mindset needs to shift. So how do you best prepare? 20-year paramedic shares insights and tips for making your next MIH visit a success.

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Watch: Caring for Homeless Populations

Watch: Caring for Homeless Populations

Many of you see and help those who are experiencing homeless in your community on a routine basis. While it’s not easy to keep accurate documentation of people who are in this state, HealthCall is providing new tools to help identify and better care for these individuals within a comprehensive longitudinal record.

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Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare With Payers: Acadian Part Two

Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare With Payers: Acadian Part Two

While Safety Management Systems works with patient populations on the Gulf of Mexico, Acadian Health serves large, primarily urban patient populations where prevention is just as critical. This is why Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) has become central to Acadian Health’s approach in managing patients with chronic and urgent care needs.

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Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare 300 Miles Offshore

Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare 300 Miles Offshore

Acadian Ambulance, one of the top EMS services in the country, is a multi-faceted ambulatory care company with multiple public, private, and specialty partners. Acadian Ambulance’s sister companies include Acadian Health, which provides at-home healthcare for sick but stable patients, Safety Management Systems, which provides emergency response and medical services in remote and industrial settings.

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New software allows paramedics to provide more

New software allows paramedics to provide more

Christopher Menapace, BBA, OFE, OFC, EMT-P, EMS-I, CPRS, a paramedic and former fire chief who leads a new community paramedic program as the Mobile Integrated Health Captain. The program was launched by Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services to reduce repeat 9-1-1 calls and avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital emergency room, contribute to the overall quality of life for people by keeping them at the center of an individualized treatment plan, and help people stay at home as they manage their chronic health conditions.

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New Paramedic Program Helps Those with Mental Health Challenges

New Paramedic Program Helps Those with Mental Health Challenges

Barely halfway through 2022, Tanee Thomas-Tedford, NRP, CP-P, of Lexington County EMS, said her division expects that number to keep climbing. Lexington Medical Center Foundation was instrumental in facilitating a Duke Endowment grant in which Thomas-Tedford’s division was asked to get that number down. The initiative is called Uplift Lexington County, and is in partnership with Lexington County Department of Mental Health, Lexington Medical Center’s social services, and a nonprofit called Serve and Connect.

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Personalized Care for Mothers Overcoming Addiction

Personalized Care for Mothers Overcoming Addiction

When Rick D’Auria gets a phone call about a pregnant mother struggling with addiction, it begins a cascade of events and conversations his office needs to closely monitor to ensure this woman and her child receive all the resources they need from all the different departments in place to help.

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LTHC Homeless Services Implements Electronic Medical Record

LTHC Homeless Services Implements Electronic Medical Record

LTHC Homeless Services partnered with Indiana-based company HealthCall, LLC to develop a personalized electronic health record platform for on-site providers to track health services to those experiencing homelessness. The platform allows communication between healthcare professionals who are addressing the chronic and acute health problems experienced by many persons without housing.

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New Crisis Scheduling Breaks Addiction Cycle

New Crisis Scheduling Breaks Addiction Cycle

At first, launching a new technology-driven initiative during the early days of the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic might not have seemed like the right time. But hindsight proved timing is everything—and with the ongoing opioid crisis, there wasn’t another moment to lose.

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New Care Delivery Model Removes Barriers to Care, Avoids Hospitalizations

New Care Delivery Model Removes Barriers to Care, Avoids Hospitalizations

Not everyone who calls 911 may need to go to the hospital and that’s where Travis Baker, a paramedic practitioner working for Austin-Travis County EMS, comes in. Baker recently joined an EMS that serves over a large area: 2.2 million people in a region spanning 1,039 square miles. Here, providing more targeted, high-quality care at patients’ doorsteps and avoiding potentially expensive hospitalizations can have a significant effect on the community’s health care system, reducing costs and strains on resources.

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Better System, Better Data, Especially During a Crisis

Better System, Better Data, Especially During a Crisis

Galveston County Health District (GCHD) in Galveston, Texas, recently announced its partnership with HealthCall to more effectively monitor COVID-19 cases after the county struggled to produce accurate data to analyze trends related to the pandemic.

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Early Response to COVID Proved Critical for NYC EMS

Early Response to COVID Proved Critical for NYC EMS

From the beginning COVID-19 presented with countless unknowns, and Empress EMS, a PatientCare EMS Solutions company, which serves New Rochelle, New York, just 20 miles north of New York City, recognized the high risks its region faced. Instead of waiting for direction from federal or state authorities, Empress EMS sprung into action, and its quick thinking may have helped mitigate a worsening situation in what became the nation’s epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Expanding Community Paramedicine Throughout Tampa

Expanding Community Paramedicine Throughout Tampa

Almost two years ago the Crisis Center’s TransCare Medical Transportation division launched its pilot Community Paramedicine program made possible by a grant from Florida Blue. The goal for this pilot is to work with community members who frequently utilize hospital emergency rooms for basic healthcare, and connect them with a primary care physician, behavioral health care, or other medical resources better suited to their needs.

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Innovations in Pandemic Care

Innovations in Pandemic Care

A new e-book from EMS World and HealthCall profiles forward-thinking EMS systems that are leveraging the power of telehealth and community wellness programs to circumvent traditional 9-1-1 response pathways.

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City of Las Vegas Partners with HealthCall to Care for Homeless

City of Las Vegas Partners with HealthCall to Care for Homeless

New 500-bed Cashman ISO-Q facility opens in Las Vegas screening and caring for homeless with coronavirus
The City of Las Vegas has partnered with HealthCall and NurseCore to train staff and operate a 500-bed temporary hospital at Cashman Center; created to screen and care for homeless who may have coronavirus.

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First EMS Responders Begin New On Site COVID-19 Testing

First EMS Responders Begin New On Site COVID-19 Testing

FDA fast-tracked new blood and mucous diagnostics to more effectively identify who has COVID-19
Phoenix Paramedic Solutions will become among the first emergency responders in the country to deploy the recently-approved rapid-testing, onsite Coronavirus (COVID-19) blood or mucous diagnostic screen, which will be used in conjunction with the HealthCall COVID-19 Telehealth Screening and Monitoring application.

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Opioid Crisis, how Palm Beach is moving the dial

Opioid Crisis, how Palm Beach is moving the dial

West Palm Beach, Florida, like the rest of the nation, struggles with the ongoing opioid crisis, and the county’s largest fire department—Palm Beach County Fire Rescue—relies on HealthCall’s innovative software to track and mitigate these community challenges.

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An Appalachian Community Sees Huge Strides and Fewer ER Visits

An Appalachian Community Sees Huge Strides and Fewer ER Visits

Deep in the Appalachian Mountains is Ashe County, home to approximately 27,000 people where the poverty rate is at 19 percent and where many people struggle with life-threatening chronic conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. There are also many elderly people in the region who face the ongoing risks of falls and fractures.

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Reducing Falls and Calls via Better Collaboration

Reducing Falls and Calls via Better Collaboration

UPPER ARLINGTON, OH, Ohio passed legislation that expanded care beyond 911 calls, allowing community paramedics to be among the first responders who could visit patients in their homes to provide care outside of 911 calls. This enabled community paramedics to become part of a care team, alongside a patient’s physician or case manager.

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ROI Analysis- The Economics of Prevention

ROI Analysis- The Economics of Prevention

The cost of healthcare in the US continues to rise to unsustainable levels. Some of this growth is the result of new treatments and innovations, but much of the cost is due to inefficiency and a lack of proactive care. There is a continued emphasis within the healthcare system on preventing the acute onset of many common chronic conditions, including musculoskeletal conditions, heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.

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Patient-Centric Architecture Drives Better Care

Patient-Centric Architecture Drives Better Care

HealthCall’s cloud-based platform is specifically designed for providing care beyond the walls of the typical healthcare setting. This challenging and changing environment requires greater degrees of flexibility in documenting, collaboration.

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HealthCall Awarded 3-Year Contract by Ashe Memorial Hospital

HealthCall Awarded 3-Year Contract by Ashe Memorial Hospital

Ashe Memorial Hospital selects HealthCall as its new platform for coordinating and managing post-hospital care. Funded by a three-year Duke Endowment grant, this program will extend new models of care to populations with chronic disease and those who are most susceptible to unplanned hospitalizations.

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Palm Beach County Awards 3-Year Contract to HealthCall

Palm Beach County Awards 3-Year Contract to HealthCall

Palm Beach County Florida selects HealthCall for their highly acclaimed Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) program. Their program has been successfully alleviating the strain on the 911 emergency system by proactively meeting the needs of residents’ non-emergency medical needs.

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HealthCall Awarded 13-Hospital Community Paramedicine Project

HealthCall Awarded 13-Hospital Community Paramedicine Project

HealthCall was recently awarded the Nevada Rural Hospital Partners (NRHP) three-year Population Health Community Paramedicine project! “The HealthCall product and proposal … are far superior to the other solutions we evaluated…” NRHP is a consortium of the 13 Critical Access Hospitals across EMS providers in 7 counties in Nevada.

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Case Study: Dramatically Improving Outcomes and Reduced Costs

Case Study: Dramatically Improving Outcomes and Reduced Costs

Within the Community Health Network, Community Home Health monitors patients of physicians, heart failure clinics, diabetes care clinics, and their own home health populations. They also monitor hospital patients after discharge to help ensure their successful transition back into their homes—and to reduce 30-day readmission rates.

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Explore All of Our Resources

MIH Summit 24

Join us at the Mobile Integrated Health & Community Paramedicine Clinical & Leadership Summit! March 20-22 in Nashville, TN HealthCall: Booth #9

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New Guide Available for Preventing Falls

Teresa Poliseno and Dr. Karen Kirkham discuss the New Fall Prevention Guide and the critical role of fall prevention in geriatric medicine. Listen to the 15-minute podcast and order the free guide.

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Watch: New Task Manager Features

Managing and tracking daily tasks can be a challenge for one person and more difficult when you are working as a team. Knowing which patients others have already contacted and who still needs help can take a lot of your valuable time…

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Are You Ready for Your Next MIH Visit?

911 and Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) calls are different clinically, operationally, and administratively. Even your mindset needs to shift. So how do you best prepare? 20-year paramedic shares insights and tips for making your next MIH visit a success.

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Watch: Caring for Homeless Populations

Many of you see and help those who are experiencing homeless in your community on a routine basis. While it’s not easy to keep accurate documentation of people who are in this state, HealthCall is providing new tools to help identify and better care for these individuals within a comprehensive longitudinal record.

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Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare With Payers: Acadian Part Two

While Safety Management Systems works with patient populations on the Gulf of Mexico, Acadian Health serves large, primarily urban patient populations where prevention is just as critical. This is why Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) has become central to Acadian Health’s approach in managing patients with chronic and urgent care needs.

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Providing Mobile Integrated Healthcare 300 Miles Offshore

Acadian Ambulance, one of the top EMS services in the country, is a multi-faceted ambulatory care company with multiple public, private, and specialty partners. Acadian Ambulance’s sister companies include Acadian Health, which provides at-home healthcare for sick but stable patients, Safety Management Systems, which provides emergency response and medical services in remote and industrial settings.

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New software allows paramedics to provide more

Christopher Menapace, BBA, OFE, OFC, EMT-P, EMS-I, CPRS, a paramedic and former fire chief who leads a new community paramedic program as the Mobile Integrated Health Captain. The program was launched by Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services to reduce repeat 9-1-1 calls and avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital emergency room, contribute to the overall quality of life for people by keeping them at the center of an individualized treatment plan, and help people stay at home as they manage their chronic health conditions.

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New Paramedic Program Helps Those with Mental Health Challenges

Barely halfway through 2022, Tanee Thomas-Tedford, NRP, CP-P, of Lexington County EMS, said her division expects that number to keep climbing. Lexington Medical Center Foundation was instrumental in facilitating a Duke Endowment grant in which Thomas-Tedford’s division was asked to get that number down. The initiative is called Uplift Lexington County, and is in partnership with Lexington County Department of Mental Health, Lexington Medical Center’s social services, and a nonprofit called Serve and Connect.

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Personalized Care for Mothers Overcoming Addiction

When Rick D’Auria gets a phone call about a pregnant mother struggling with addiction, it begins a cascade of events and conversations his office needs to closely monitor to ensure this woman and her child receive all the resources they need from all the different departments in place to help.

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LTHC Homeless Services Implements Electronic Medical Record

LTHC Homeless Services partnered with Indiana-based company HealthCall, LLC to develop a personalized electronic health record platform for on-site providers to track health services to those experiencing homelessness. The platform allows communication between healthcare professionals who are addressing the chronic and acute health problems experienced by many persons without housing.

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New Crisis Scheduling Breaks Addiction Cycle

At first, launching a new technology-driven initiative during the early days of the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic might not have seemed like the right time. But hindsight proved timing is everything—and with the ongoing opioid crisis, there wasn’t another moment to lose.

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New Care Delivery Model Removes Barriers to Care, Avoids Hospitalizations

Not everyone who calls 911 may need to go to the hospital and that’s where Travis Baker, a paramedic practitioner working for Austin-Travis County EMS, comes in. Baker recently joined an EMS that serves over a large area: 2.2 million people in a region spanning 1,039 square miles. Here, providing more targeted, high-quality care at patients’ doorsteps and avoiding potentially expensive hospitalizations can have a significant effect on the community’s health care system, reducing costs and strains on resources.

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Better System, Better Data, Especially During a Crisis

Galveston County Health District (GCHD) in Galveston, Texas, recently announced its partnership with HealthCall to more effectively monitor COVID-19 cases after the county struggled to produce accurate data to analyze trends related to the pandemic.

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Early Response to COVID Proved Critical for NYC EMS

From the beginning COVID-19 presented with countless unknowns, and Empress EMS, a PatientCare EMS Solutions company, which serves New Rochelle, New York, just 20 miles north of New York City, recognized the high risks its region faced. Instead of waiting for direction from federal or state authorities, Empress EMS sprung into action, and its quick thinking may have helped mitigate a worsening situation in what became the nation’s epicenter of the COVID-19 crisis.

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Expanding Community Paramedicine Throughout Tampa

Almost two years ago the Crisis Center’s TransCare Medical Transportation division launched its pilot Community Paramedicine program made possible by a grant from Florida Blue. The goal for this pilot is to work with community members who frequently utilize hospital emergency rooms for basic healthcare, and connect them with a primary care physician, behavioral health care, or other medical resources better suited to their needs.

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Innovations in Pandemic Care

A new e-book from EMS World and HealthCall profiles forward-thinking EMS systems that are leveraging the power of telehealth and community wellness programs to circumvent traditional 9-1-1 response pathways.

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City of Las Vegas Partners with HealthCall to Care for Homeless

New 500-bed Cashman ISO-Q facility opens in Las Vegas screening and caring for homeless with coronavirus
The City of Las Vegas has partnered with HealthCall and NurseCore to train staff and operate a 500-bed temporary hospital at Cashman Center; created to screen and care for homeless who may have coronavirus.

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First EMS Responders Begin New On Site COVID-19 Testing

FDA fast-tracked new blood and mucous diagnostics to more effectively identify who has COVID-19
Phoenix Paramedic Solutions will become among the first emergency responders in the country to deploy the recently-approved rapid-testing, onsite Coronavirus (COVID-19) blood or mucous diagnostic screen, which will be used in conjunction with the HealthCall COVID-19 Telehealth Screening and Monitoring application.

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Opioid Crisis, how Palm Beach is moving the dial

West Palm Beach, Florida, like the rest of the nation, struggles with the ongoing opioid crisis, and the county’s largest fire department—Palm Beach County Fire Rescue—relies on HealthCall’s innovative software to track and mitigate these community challenges.

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An Appalachian Community Sees Huge Strides and Fewer ER Visits

Deep in the Appalachian Mountains is Ashe County, home to approximately 27,000 people where the poverty rate is at 19 percent and where many people struggle with life-threatening chronic conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. There are also many elderly people in the region who face the ongoing risks of falls and fractures.

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Reducing Falls and Calls via Better Collaboration

UPPER ARLINGTON, OH, Ohio passed legislation that expanded care beyond 911 calls, allowing community paramedics to be among the first responders who could visit patients in their homes to provide care outside of 911 calls. This enabled community paramedics to become part of a care team, alongside a patient’s physician or case manager.

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ROI Analysis- The Economics of Prevention

The cost of healthcare in the US continues to rise to unsustainable levels. Some of this growth is the result of new treatments and innovations, but much of the cost is due to inefficiency and a lack of proactive care. There is a continued emphasis within the healthcare system on preventing the acute onset of many common chronic conditions, including musculoskeletal conditions, heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.

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Patient-Centric Architecture Drives Better Care

HealthCall’s cloud-based platform is specifically designed for providing care beyond the walls of the typical healthcare setting. This challenging and changing environment requires greater degrees of flexibility in documenting, collaboration.

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HealthCall Awarded 3-Year Contract by Ashe Memorial Hospital

Ashe Memorial Hospital selects HealthCall as its new platform for coordinating and managing post-hospital care. Funded by a three-year Duke Endowment grant, this program will extend new models of care to populations with chronic disease and those who are most susceptible to unplanned hospitalizations.

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Palm Beach County Awards 3-Year Contract to HealthCall

Palm Beach County Florida selects HealthCall for their highly acclaimed Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) program. Their program has been successfully alleviating the strain on the 911 emergency system by proactively meeting the needs of residents’ non-emergency medical needs.

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HealthCall Awarded 13-Hospital Community Paramedicine Project

HealthCall was recently awarded the Nevada Rural Hospital Partners (NRHP) three-year Population Health Community Paramedicine project! “The HealthCall product and proposal … are far superior to the other solutions we evaluated…” NRHP is a consortium of the 13 Critical Access Hospitals across EMS providers in 7 counties in Nevada.

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Case Study: Dramatically Improving Outcomes and Reduced Costs

Within the Community Health Network, Community Home Health monitors patients of physicians, heart failure clinics, diabetes care clinics, and their own home health populations. They also monitor hospital patients after discharge to help ensure their successful transition back into their homes—and to reduce 30-day readmission rates.

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