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Mobile Integrated Health

Mobile Integrated Healthcare

Significant trends such as ballooning healthcare expenditures, aging US population, escalating chronic disease, pandemic mitigation, limited hospital capacity, and the shortage of physicians and nurses, are driving the convergence of care back into the home as the primary site.

Within the mobile integrated healthcare model, highly skilled paramedics provide diversified care, from treating chronic conditions such as heart failure, heart attacks, high cholesterol, COPD, to respiratory illness and even more advanced care. For example, paramedics provide in-home infusions, therapies for medically complex patients, post-surgical care, and transitional care.

Unlike municipally-funded Community Paramedicine programs, paramedics within mobile integrated healthcare programs work in close coordination with a health system, payer, or employers who also fund these programs. Paramedics still take primary responsibility for being on-scene or in-home, but provide a continuity of care rather than episodic treatment.

Community Paramedicine is also enabled by paramedics but utilizes a very different care model and partners.