HealthCall Awarded 3-Year Contract by Ashe Memorial Hospital
Ashe Memorial Hospital selects HealthCall as their new platform for coordinating and managing post-hospital care. Funded by a three-year Duke Endowment grant, this program will extend new models of care to populations with chronic disease and those who are most susceptible to unplanned hospitalizations.
Working in conjunction with Ashe Medics LLC, patients will be entered into HealthCall and assigned an appropriate plan of care. Using the system, paramedics provide individualized care based upon a process of supporting, educating, and overseeing each patient.
This innovative program serves as an excellent example of how County and private leadership are working together to provide a higher level of quality care for patients and the community.

HealthCall is excited to help Ashe Memorial Hospital advance necessary collaboration within their extended care teams to engage vulnerable patients in more proactive care.