Bloomington Joins Healthcall

<Title Here> <Subtitle here> The City of Bloomington Fire Department has chosen HealthCall to advance its Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) and community paramedicine program. This program allows the MIH unit to meet patients where they are, whether at...
The alarming economics of high utilizers in MIH

The alarming economics of high utilizers in MIH

The alarming economics of high utilizers in MIH Do you ever wonder, 
”Am I making a difference?” Have you heard the parable of the star thrower? The story is old, but enduring; it captures the challenge faced by anyone trying to help their community: A...
MIH Paramedics limit their scope to Expand

MIH Paramedics limit their scope to Expand

Counterintuitive: MIH Paramedics Had To Limit Their Scope To 
Ultimately Expand Their Program To accomplish what would otherwise be impossible growth, paramedics took a counterintuitive approach of limiting their focus while working closely with law enforcement,...